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You’ve journied to outer space in a crypto-pod, keeping your body motionless. You drift in and out of consciousness, meaning you sometimes hear what is going on around you. But it seems as though this journey won’t be plain sailing.

The Terminal was an audio experience. This meant that, after receiving a pre-show in a small group, you would be guided to a seat, put on headphones, and then sit in pitch black. The experience was created in conjunction with Darkfield, who specialise in such experiences (even offering them as at home experiences!).

In the pre-show, you are told how you are being taken to outer space, to a far away planet, with your body frozen. You can still hear and feel some things. And whilst you may also dream, you should note that if your body dies, you die. In the audio experience, your spaceship is taken over by aliens. They attack each person, leaving you last. During this, you can hear the attacks and screams of others, as well as the aliens sounds of drilling into your head, eating you and more.

The sound design and quality of the headphones was stunning. The audio experience, which lasts about 10 minutes, was also accompanied by a couple of effects, which helped add to the realism.

Unfortunately, an audio experience is quite a niche thing, and requires a certain amount of buy-in from the audience. This meant if you weren’t fully invested in the story line, it was very easy to lose interest. Equally, Darkfield usually create longer audio experiences (around 30 minutes long), so the slow-build storytelling they usually offer didn’t quite work here.

The Terminal, as a result, didn’t receive too many good reviews. But, it must be said, that when it scared people, it scared people well, with there being a number of people having to take their headphones off. The park should be commended for trying something different, but also for realising it wasn’t the right fit for the park and not bringing it back.





Lost City (next to Rush)

Groups split up?


Paid attraction?
