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Thorpe Park to Install Solar Panels

Aug 25, 2024 | 0 comments

418 solar panels will be installed on back-of-house buildings

Earlier this month, Thorpe Park submitted a planning application to Runnymede Borough Council to install 418 solar panels to two buildings at the park. These two buildings will be the Engineering Workshop and the park’s Warehouse, used to store, amongst other things, retail stock when not in store.

The renewable energy generated will be used to help power the park. Of course, given how much electricity the park use, it will only generate a small amount of the electricity consumed by the park. However, it is a step towards a greener park, and reducing the park’s carbon footprint.

The Engineering Workshop and Warehouse are located away from the park, behind where Survival Games is currently located. As such, these buildings are very hard to see when on park as a guest. The Engineering Workshop will receive 238 solar panels, with the Warehouse receiving 180.